From our experience in executive coaching and leadership development we see again and again that self-awareness is absolutely mission critical for self-development and personal growth. And of course, we can ask the question: Is there a link between a leader’s self-awareness and his or her leadership effectiveness?

To help us answer this question, we have a great guest on the show, Dr. Nia Thomas.

Key moments

[05:19] Nia shares what triggered her curiosity about leadership and self-awareness

[08:04] Most important findings from Nia’s research. The “strategic level disconnect” between what people at the most senior levels of the organizations are setting in motion and what they seem to be thinking, compared to what others are thinking. One element of this is filtered feedback, and regardless of organisation, in a senior leadership position you will get filtered feedback, which means that you are disconnect to the rest of the organisation to a greater or lesser extent.

[16:14] Identified 3 layers of  Leadership Self-awareness

  1. Reflection or Internal self-awareness, which is about me looking inward, knowing myself.
  2. Recognition or Internal social self-awareness, is about recognising that people are observing me and have opinions about me.
  3. Regulation or External social self-awareness, which is about regulating my behavior based on knowing myself, and knowing how others see me.

 [27:40] Is there a correlation between a leader’s self-awareness and their effectiveness?

The answer is a resounding yes – but. Leaders with high degree of self-awareness is an essential component to generate success. However, many organisations say it’s their aspiration, however the reality is, it’s not happening everywhere.

[31:28] What are potential dilemmas or challenges leaders might encounter when developing, or sharpening, their self-awareness?

  • Need to recognise that self-awareness is an ongoing journey that you need to invest your time and effort
  • The risk of filtered feedback, especially as a more senior leader
  • Situations of stress, when we can’t cope to regulate our behavior
  • ‘Busyness’ and seen to always be doing something, with no space for reflection

Self-awareness is a journey – “Know thyself, but ensure you keep reacquainting yourself”.

 Reflection Questions:

  • Stop and ask: Can I describe how I think others see me?
     If I can’t, how will I develop my antenna, my space, my opportunity to be able to answer that question? 
  • What are the situations where I need to be more self-aware of my own behavior and its impact on my effectiveness as a leader?
  • What do I need to focus on to increase my self-awareness?
  • What are certain circumstances, situations, or people that either enhance or deplete my self-awareness?

Here’s a soundbite for you

Second Crack – The Leadership Podcast