Leadership and Power

Leadership and Power

In my research, I explored leadership at all levels. Complexity leadership and complex adaptive systems emerged as relevant themes. Complexity leadership theory says that leadership is not synonymous with seniority. It says that leaderships sits with different people...
Laugh and the world laughs with you

Laugh and the world laughs with you

Today has been punctuated by laughter. I laughed until I cried! I laughed with a friend and I laughed at the TV. For a few moments, it was good to escape the challenges and difficulties that now surround us, every minute of every day. Finding moments of happiness are...

A Part or Apart?

Spending time working from home means that you have to be extra aware of being a part of the discussions that are going on in work. If you’re a bigger picture thinker, like me, context is key. If you only have snippets of detail, you can’t join the dots and nothing...
Sometimes you need a hug

Sometimes you need a hug

Today I spoke to someone on the phone that I haven’t spoken to for a very long time. They’ve had it pretty awful over the last few months and haven’t been around much. I had an overwhelming desire to offer them a hug!! Now, I’m not much of a hugger. Hello hugs and...

Integrated Services & Clear Responsibilities

Integrating services is essential, to make sure that clients transfers from one service to another as seamlessly as possible. To be effective, every single person working along that pathway of delivery needs absolute clarity about the role they play. When we don’t...