Feedback is a gift.

And yet it stings like a bee!

I’ve spoken to a lot of podcast guests about feedback and how beneficial it is to our development. We can learn from feedback, grow and improve. It can be a catalyst for rich developmental opportunities. And we do indeed need to be grateful for those who step up and give it kindly and constructively.

Yet, I have to admit, I’m not good at receiving feedback. My initial response is to rebel and defend my position. A sense of wrathful indignation wells up in my chest and I want to erase that person from my contacts list. I feel affronted and disrespected, upset and unappreciated. Well, for a day or two maybe. And then, I take stock. I consider all I know about self-awareness and a curious mindset and I get to work unpicking, unraveling, understanding, learning and growing.

Here are 5 ways that curiosity can be a balm to the bee sting of feedback…..

1. Ask Them Before They Tell You



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