It’s the end of my first week in my new role. I know. A whole week!!!! So, what are my reflections?

  1. Induction: I’ve been onboarded and involved in onboarding others into news roles for over 20 years. This induction has been the best. Why? It’s focused on how we do things first and then, what we do.

As someone with a research interest in leader effectiveness and resonant leadership in particular, I’m a firm believer that relationships make the world go round. You can’t be a leader in an empty room, right? Focusing on how we work and who is who has helped me understand the organisational culture and set my foundational understanding for how we work together and how we work with others.

I will certainly think about how I plan induction and onboarding programmes for others in the future.

  1. Togetherness: hybrid working helps to bring people together whilst also allowing them to benefit from being at home. Being in the office as the newbie has given me the opportunity to meet new colleagues in person, bump in to people in the kitchen as well as get out and about, move, talk and laugh. Being at home has given me respite from the drive and allowed me to swap the commute for reading and learning.

Thank you Tara Poore for making my first week such a positive experience. I’m definitely coming back for week two!!