Yesterday I blogged about EI for execs. I mentioned the need for empathy to help inform outcomes.

The London School of Economics says that one of the three principles for using design thinking for business, is empathy (along with expansive thinking and experimentation). It says that “people and their needs should be the main focus”. I totally agree. In designing your services/activities, focus on the needs of the people you’re doing it all for.

In thinking about empathy, it struck me as an essential element of developing external-social self-awareness (ESSA).

You’ll already know that my definition of ESSA is about being able to read the emotions of others, recognise your impact on others and being able to respond wisely, right? Well, in doing all of those things you need empathy, otherwise how will you put yourself into someone else’s situation and consider their needs, to drive your purpose?

We need to be empathic. How do other people see the world? Be empathic to people’ wants and needs, and be discerning in differentiating between the two. Outcomes matter.

Design Thinking, part of LSEs certificate in Competitive Strategy and Innovation: