In episode 3 of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast, I was lucky enough to catch both Donald Henderson and Sathpal Singh for a conversation about self-aware leadership.

Self aware leadership with Donald and Sathpal

Lesser strengths: when we think about strengths and weaknesses, maybe it would be more constructive in thinking about weakness as lesser strengths. When we develop teams, we should look to build our teams with people with different strength so that between us we can become a team of balanced strength

Accidental leaders: In it’s development courses, the Chartered Management Institute talks about the accidental leader; those that have been promoted due to technical skills but without the management and relational training and skills to build, develop, manage and lead successful teams.

Objectives and consensus: In order to be able to lead a team, you need to help them reach commonality of objectives and consensus in the actions to take to reach them. To do this, you need to have relational skills to enable others to help them come together and work together.

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Nurturing others: Effective leaders encourage the development of others by nurturing, mentoring and coaching them to improve their knowledge and skills. Great leaders need to create other leaders.

I’d love to know your Top Takeaways from this episode!