I really enjoyed my conversation with Ian Hatton. In this episode. We explored conscious leadership, self-awareness, emotional intelligence and we even talked about SpaceX. Here are my top takeaways from our conversation
1: Understanding the Phases of Growth in an Organisation and the Market: Ian emphasises the importance of understanding the phases of growth in an organisation as well as what’s happening in the market. He shares an example of a telecoms company in Africa, where leadership roles evolved as the industry matured.
2: Leading People, Not Just Managing Tasks or Industry: Ian believes that successful leaders understand that they are leading people, not just managing tasks or the industry itself. Making this mindset shift leads to increased effectiveness and engagement from staff. Even visionary leaders can benefit from focusing on people in their leadership approach.
3: The Connection Between the Body and the Brain: Ian mentions reading a book by Bruce Lipton called “The Biology of Belief.” This book discusses the connection between the body and the brain. Ian agrees with the idea that emotions are not only felt in the head but can also be felt in the chest or gut. Understanding this connection can enhance self-awareness and leadership effectiveness.

4: Self-Awareness and Self-Leadership: Self-awareness is a crucial component of leadership. By changing oneself, individuals can change other people’s responses to them. Hatton emphasises the importance of prioritising self-awareness and self-care.
5: The Role of Self-Awareness in Leadership Success: Ian questions why some ineffective leaders hold top positions while self-aware and people-focused individuals do not. He expresses his belief that self-awareness is an essential component of leadership. Lack of self-awareness can lead to conflicts in personal and professional relationships.
6: The Power of Personal Growth and Transformation: Ian shares his personal journey of self-awareness and the impact it had on his leadership work. He acknowledges the misconception that self-love is selfish. By intentionally investing in personal growth and embracing change, leaders can have a deeper and more authentic impact.
Check it out!