It’s been a whole year. 17th March 2020 was the last time I went to the office in the Before.

Today is the 16th March 2021. Today I went to the office for my second vaccine. It’s a strange way to celebrate a new year.

When we left the office in 2020, we thought it might be for a few months, and then the months rolled into seasons, and the seasons into a year. A whole year.

We’ve missed seeing family, enjoying adventures, seeking out new places and sharing meals. But, we’ve learned so much about technology, viruses, workplaces, staff wellbeing, mental health and social connection.

As I walked home I stopped for a coffee and watched the world go by. There are more bicycles, scooters and motorbikes than before, less rushing and irritation. That has to be a good thing, right?

I hope our leaders will be brave in learning from our experiences and help us to maintain change that is more about people, less about pounds and places. I hope as followers we will be confident about what we need and determined in making difficult choices.

We have a chance to set a course for a different life than we had planned.

What change will you be maintaining?