Having an interest in self-awareness, I really wanted to read this book.
It has a wealth of data, information, case studies and resources in it. I couldn’t believe that for the price of the book alone you had 14 appendices worth of tools to help you assess and develop self-awareness. Can you imagine how much this would cost if you paid a consultancy individually for each of these resources!?!
The book draws on the research that Dr Eurich has carried out with her team. It’s always great to read authentic analysis and evaluation of data that’s original and unique.
The book is full of real life case studies from people Dr Eurich has worked with. These again give you original insights into the working lives of people that are truly trying to develop their self-awareness. It also talks about people that will just never reach that necessary self-awareness for effective management and leadership.
It’s a book of many parts and you can see how you could dissect this book into learning modules for individuals, teams and organisations.
I think it’s accessible, explanatory and has the potential to be a course handbook to anyone that wants to put the time and effort into building better working relationships through improved insight and feedback