Lead Care Win by Dan Pontefract
I love a book with a good structure and Lead Care Win is structured into nine lessons about how to lead with care, and win. The lessons which chimed the most with me were: 1) be relatable, 5) embrace change and 6) dare to share.
Be relatable is all about resonance, which if you know anything about my ideas on self-aware leadership, it takes wisdom from the resonant leadership model. Dan talks about the challenges of not being relatable as a leader and offers respecting others, empathising, being personable, managing mistakes, apologising and asking for help and feedback from others as a way of being more relatable.
In embracing change Dan talks about the need to accept change, stay positive, open, flexible and patient and above all, embrace it. It’s coming anyway so learn to dance in the rain and make lemonade from those lemons. This links to ‘adaptability’ which is one of the nine directions on my self-aware leadership compass which I’ll tell you all about in my book which launches in spring ’24!
Dare to share links closely to being relatable. It’s about opening up your knowledge and information resources to spread risks in your organisation, as well as demonstrating trust in others by being vulnerable to seek others’ input, alongside sharing your own ideas through coaching and nurturing. Learning by experience and sharing your experience also feature on my self-aware leadership compass
It’s a very helpful guide to being a good, caring, respected and positively impactful leader with helpful summary sections that would allow you to put the ideas into an action plan and boost your leadership skills. The book also comes with a helpful set of assessment tools which you can access via Dan’s website. In developing your self-awareness, this and other tools like it are very helpful in understanding your preferences, strengths and weaknesses and giving you information which you can explore further, explore with others and build on.
Take a read!