This week I joined another Action fir Happiness webinar, this time with Tal Ben-Shahar. It was the first time I’d heard him speak but because I’d seen his name linked to so many international happiness events, I really wanted to hear what he had to say.

It was a vey good webinar and he’s a very engaging speaker. Here are my take homes….

  • Anti-fragility: the notion of being resilient and more. Not only recovering from trauma but growing and developing. Post traumatic growth has the potential to happen in the right circumstances – and it often does
  • Accept emotions and feelings: with the right support and framing, difficult emotions and feelings can be explored and dissipated for a more positive future
  • Actions for happiness: setting lofty goals and being aspirational helps to generate a positive disposition but the goals should be reached by setting achievable actions along the journey to ensure small successes balance out any small failures.

It really is a great introduction to Tal Ben-Shahar’s world. You can access the video here