Today has been punctuated by laughter. I laughed until I cried! I laughed with a friend and I laughed at the TV. For a few moments, it was good to escape the challenges and difficulties that now surround us, every minute of every day.

Finding moments of happiness are essential for our mental health and well-being. Finding the joke in the struggle and the silliness in the challenge helps us navigate our repetitive days of staying home and zoom meetings. It helps builds relationships with people we’ve only briefly met and it helps rekindle relationships that have faded with social distance.

I’m a firm advocate of positive psychology and #happinessatwork. A culture of happiness keeps us all showing up, doing our best and advocating for our patients, service users and clients.

We all have a responsibility to be kind and facilitate enjoyment, fun and laughter in our workplaces. We all have a responsibility to share happiness with colleagues, friends and family. A smile costs nothing, yet it is priceless.

What will you do tomorrow to bring a smile or laughter to your colleagues and your workplace?