This week I’ve attended a conference and two workshops, and have been impressed by all three.

Speakers have been engaging, backdrops have added value and the tech has been stable.

I’ve talked about presentations before – about preparation, style of delivery and how disappointing it can be when these things aren’t Michelin starred.

Here are some things I really like about this week’s events:

  • Written but not read: presenters had prepared what they wanted to say but like good news readers and actors, they didn’t sound like they were reading you a bedtime story
  • Humour 4 humans: every presentation was punctuated with humour to engage and re-engage with the audience, reminding us that there was a human behind the delivery
  • Digital Savvy: we’ve become experts in our platform of choice. We’ve worked out that it takes one to present, one to facilitate and one to do the tech and 12 months on, we’re really mastering and capitalising on the capability of videos, live discussion, Q&A functions, running separate apps alongside live session, etc etc. We’re also getting used to diarising events for global audiences. My 4pm is your 10am, and the event is accessible to us both!

We’ve learned so much in a year!