Does it feel like we’re at another crossroads to you? The end of a terrible year is almost upon us and the second wave of lockdowns are over. Everyone is looking forward to what January will bring.

In looking forward it’s clear that they’re not ‘looking forward’ at all, but rather looking in a future direction. There’s a sense of anticipation at the potential of a spike in COVID after Christmas, the third wave of likely lockdowns and possibly a long wait for the vaccine and the concerns about its efficacy.

To move forward as successful leaders in 2021 we need to:

  • Reflect on how far we’ve come. Be proud of the journey travelled, progress made and changes embedded
  • Reflect on the things we’ve overcome. Consider the challenges and hurdles that were in the path and the solutions developed to get over them
  • Plan for the unexpected. Draw from the key elements that helped achieved delivery of an agile and flexible service, to plan for the future
  • Plan for success. Set goals and achievable actions to maintain momentum and motivation for the coming year. It might be a bumpy ride and you may want to draw on successes when things get tough