2020 has been the year of lockdown-learning. I finished writing up my research in early autumn so my weekends became uncharacteristically free. I threw myself into learning, discovering new people and exploring what the modern philosophers wnd thought leaders were saying and writing.

Here’s a list of some of the key people I learned about and from in 2020….

  • Simon Sinek – sharing simple, practical yet groundbreaking and excellent advice LINK

  • Nic Marks – bringing stats and happiness together for some fascinating insights LINK

    Tasha Eurich – a thought leader and expert in self awareness, which is my thing, right? LINK

  • Laurie Santos – everywhere there’s talk about happiness and positive psychology, she’s out front and centre LINK

  • Julian Stodd – driving innovative thinking in contemporary leadership models LINK

  • Tara Brabazon – a PhD advisor and guide of gargantuan wisdom LINK

I’m so grateful to these thinkers for sharing their ideas, insights, advice and guidance. They made 2020 not only bearable but opened up a new world of thinking when our communities and workplaces were shut down.

Who did you learn about and from in 2020?