Today has been a day of self care. It was week two of the Mindfulness course that Great Ormond Street Hospital is delivering to its staff and it was a day when I had an hour to fit in some yoga

Both mindfulness and yoga struck me as being a way of getting in tune with your thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical body. And in doing that it struck me that mindfulness of mind and body might be the very fundamental layer of self awareness

In my thesis the first layer of self awareness is called ‘internal self awareness’ and I state that the first step to internal self awareness is recognition of the self as a sentient being. Mindfulness might be one of the very best ways of developing that meta cognition.

This galvanises my view of the importance of mindfulness training in organisations to develop mindfulness in day to day practice as a precursor to improved self awareness and ultimately, leader effectiveness.

Go to Soundcloud and find the ‘Mindfulness – finding peace in a frantic world’ podcast series of buy the book on Amazon