A few weeks ago I joined one of the NHS England and NHS Improvement civility and respect workshops. They are very good events with high calibre speakers and interesting and relevant topics.
One presenter shared this slide, which I thought was simple yet so, so brilliant!
It clearly demonstrates the impact we have on others and the resulting impact they have on us.
The whole purpose of my recent study was to raise awareness of this cycle of impact and that through increased self awareness we have an opportunity to shift negative cycles of impact to positive ones through changing our behaviour.
I’ve added in the three layers by which I define self awareness so that you can see where and how they fit.
I must say a huge thank you to Zoe Lord for leading the event and Radhika Nair, MCIPD ‘s team for producing and sharing this diagram. It’s pure gold and says everything I want to say on one page!
What you give out, you get back!