I’m interested in introverts. The quiet, deep thinkers who need time away from the bustle, and only speak when they have something meaningful to say. I’m also fascinated by extroverts. The talkative, busy socialites who thrive in a crowd and speak whenever a thoughts pops into their head.

Very early on in my podcasting journey, I spoke to Joanna Rawbone, who taught me the very best definition I’ve ever heard of introversion and extroversion…

“Extroverts talk, think, talk. Introverts think, talk, think.”

I also got the pleasure of speaking to Megumi Miki, author of Quietly Powerful. Her book explores ideas on how quiet people (QPs) can leverage their strengths. Her book provides guidance for managers and allies to help QPs contribute, excel, and lead. It emphasises that being quietly powerful is not a sign of lacking confidence, it’s more about how QPs recharge their mental and emotional batteries . While lots of QPs, me included, can confidently present to large audiences and dance until the wee small hours, it’s often the coffee breaks and after-party chit-chat that……..


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