A change is coming and the world of work and study will change to something we could not have imagined 6 months ago

COVID-19 is going to change our use of technology, our access to learning and interaction with our work colleagues

What we considered to be effective leadership yesterday may not be effective leadership tomorrow. We will need leaders who can connect and empathise with staff and colleagues. We will need leaders who are self-aware and emotionally intelligent. We will need leaders who are flexible and tolerant of pre-existing health conditions and family commitments. Office environments will be different if not surplus to requirement and technology will take an exponential leap.

Different skills will rise to the fore and the model of complexity leadership will be evident in every public sector organisation. Public health specialists, emergency planners, virologists and infection control practitioners will become the superheroes. And we will be grateful for them

Good luck everybody. We’re in for a bumpy ride