The thing about self awareness is that you have two choices. You can invite it in or ignore it. Either way, it’ll find its way to you in the end.

When you invite it in, you prepare yourself to hear positive and negative things about yourself. You set yourself up to be ready to receive it constructively. You can be ready to implement change and be a better you tomorrow than you were today.

When you ignore it, it’s likely that it’ll come to you as a shock. It might frighten you and catch you off guard. It might be said by someone who’s exasperated and can’t tolerate the situation any more. It might be a level of candour you’re not used to. It might be unpleasant and a relationship-wrecking raised-voice shouting-match.

My best advice is to invite in feedback so that you can control it and be prepared for it. To be closed to it and ignore it, means that when it finally breaks through, it will be more violent and intrusive than it ever needed be.

I really do believe that self awareness is the mainstay of effective relationships. You need to know yourself and your impact on others. Without it, authenticity, trust and transparency is compromised.

We all have a blind spot. Acknowledging the blind spot is the first step to uncovering it and reducing it.