I’ve really lapsed with exercising. The dark and the cold and the winteryness of morning has really put me off getting up, and I wasn’t much good before that!!

Early after the first lockdown I bought a spin bike and for many months it was my friend. Then British Summer Time ended and it as a downhill slope from there. But last week, there was a noticeable lightness to the morning, so this week I’m back on the saddle.

In the interests of self-awareness, this week is also going to be an experiment to see what the physical and mental impact of 30 minutes of exercise before work has.

I’m doing a simple measurement:

  • How do you feel today
    *…physically (😒1-5☺️) and
    *…mentally (😒1-5☺️)
  • and some comments

I’m accepting that everything going on in work and at home will impact but the highs may be higher and the lows may be…higher? That’s the theory!

So we’ll see how it goes and we’ll see what a bit of self-awareness uncovers this week. I’ll let you know on Friday how it’s gone.

If you’re doing something similar, please share your self discoveries!