Without a shadow of a doubt, the most exciting thing to happen in April was my coaching session with the amazing Steph Caswell of Creating Happy Writers, author of Dare to Write and host of the Creating Happy Writers Podcast.
You’ll have already worked out from my posts that I’ve been thinking about writing a book for a very long time, 2016 to be exact! When I started my doctorate, I knew I wanted to produce something useful at the end of it. The first part of that was my blog, then came the podcast and now – the book! Steph is a Book Coach who’s helping me choreograph and plan my writing journey because, if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, do it with friends!

I’ll keep you up to date on how it’s all going and I’ll probably call on you a few times over the next few months to help me out with the look, feel and name. But until then, its pens poised, pencils sharpened, thesaurus on the side, Trello as a shortcut and Steph on speed-dial. Head down and here we go!!!