September was editing month. 5 edits, to be precise. I edited the book on screen twice, then I read it out loud, then I read it in bed and the fifth time was a read from a printed copy! Reading what you’ve written from different perspectives gives you the opportunity to see things from different angles, and pick up mistakes that you couldn’t see before!  That’s something I learnt when I wrote my doctoral thesis, from advice shared by the awesome Tara Brabazon.

At the end of the month the book will have a formal manuscript review from the sparkly Steph Caswell at Creating Happy Writers, as part of her Book Fix service, which will involve a written report and a meet up to discuss it.  Nervous and excited in equal measure!! It will then go to Jessica Kate Brown Publications for editing in November.

I think I’ve found a location for the launch, in north London – more on that in early ‘24. I think I’ve also found a graphic designed – more on that after our first meeting in October. Super exciting stuff!