The journey of a self-publishing non-fiction author is more like a hike than a meander…..
Throughout November, The Self-Awareness Superhighway has been with the publishers, in the creative and critical hands of the fabulous Jessica Brown. Yes, this costs money, but it’s crucial that my book, and any book, is at the top of its game before release. The alternative is that all of your hard work could end up on the bottom of an Amazon list, gathering (artificial) dust…

Whilst Jessica has been doing her thing, I’ve been liaising with all of my podcast guests who are referenced in the book to gain their consent for inclusion. I’m committed to making sure there are no surprises for anyone whose name appears in my book!
And whilst we’ve been doing that, my graphic designer Liam Beattie has been busily beavering away on some design options. When books are judged by their covers, first impressions matter! Standing out in the bookshop is critical, so originality counts.