Click here to read the new format Reflections Newsletter for July! Reflections Newsletter July 23 Goodpods Top 100 Leadership Podcasts Listen now to The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast

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Click here to read the new format Reflections Newsletter for July! Reflections Newsletter July 23 Goodpods Top 100 Leadership Podcasts Listen now to The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast
Jon Rennie, The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast N D Thomas 0:00 Hello and welcome to the knowing self knowing others podcast, the fortnightly podcast that talks about self aware leadership with thinkers from around the globe. If you want to be a better leader and...
I really enjoyed my episode talking to Carly Cannings, who’s a workplace happiness expert in episode 27 of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast. Carly provides valuable insights into reflective practices, finding purpose in work, and the need for kindness in...
Join me as I share the trials and tribulations of self-publishing my book, The Self-Awareness Superhighway. My book feels like it’s really taking shape, developing a firm foundation and a clear identity. I had a few days’ leave this month, so I had 4 days in which to write.
I spoke to Katrijn van Oudheusden in episode 26 of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast and learned so much! Selfless leadership is a concept that challenges the traditional idea of leadership and encourages a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
I was recently joined by the fabulous Dr Ketan Kulkarni for the 25th episode of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast and here are my Top Takeaways from our conversation…… According to Ketan, who's a physician and multifaceted professional, individuals should not be...
Really enjoyed my conversation with the brilliant Ira Wolfe in episode 24. Here are my Top Takeaways: In the days when people turned up to work, put their bags at the door, did what they...
Today, I finished reading the attributes by Rich Diviney. It’s a fascinating book, full of interesting insights and enlightening commentary on the human psyche, behaviour and interactions. It sets out 25 human attributes critical for optimum performance, grouped under...
Really enjoyed my conversation with Asst. Fire Chief of the City of Petaluma, California, Chad Costa in episode 23 of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast. It was good to talk about self-aware leadership from someone who’s practicing it, reflecting on it and...
THE FIRST WORD.... It’s the end of June already and it definitely feels like the lazy days of summer are upon us and quite frankly I’m too hot to do very much more than eat ice cream and scroll through LinkedIn. But, the paddling pool is filled, the strawberries (that...