Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I wish you..... Happiness and good health Motivation and stamina Curiosity and creativity Kindness and calm Self awareness and resilience Effective leadership

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Why Part 2 – Refining My Why

Why Part 2 – Refining My Why

Last night I joined a Find Your Why workshop with the team from Simon Sinek Ltd. It was an Open Mic, ‘pay what you can’ session with the aim of helping you pin down your ‘statement of purpose’ I posted about ‘finding my why’ a week or two ago. At that point I’d...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It's going to be a different Christmas for so many of us this year, but I hope you have a peaceful and restful few days and you're able to connect with family and friends virtually, if not actually. Let's hope for a kinder, better 2021 for us all

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Dunning Kruger Effect

Empty vessels make most noise That’s my very simple translation of the Kruger Dunning Effect (Kruger and Dunning, 1999) In researching self awareness, it was impossible not to be drawn to the description of what it is not, as well as what it is. The Kruger Dunning...

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Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence

Scholars believe that self-awareness (SA) is either a part of emotional intelligence (EI) or EI is a part of SA. If you consider the definition by Daniel Goleman of EI, he talks about: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. If...

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Why Part 1 – I think I worked out my Why!

Why Part 1 – I think I worked out my Why!

It wasn’t quite an epiphany, but it was pretty close! If you’ve every listened to Simon Sinek, he talks about finding your why; your purpose. I’ve never been able to pin it down. I could give you lists of the things I enjoyed doing, but nothing really answered my why....

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Emotional Intelligence for Execs

A few years ago, I set up a daily newspaper called The Self Awareness Daily, via, auto-populated from Twitter. It draws from accounts that post about emotional intelligence, self-awareness and leadership news. Today, it shared an article from

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Know Thyself – Part 4: Mini Self/Other Test

Know Thyself – Part 4: Mini Self/Other Test

One of my suggestions for increasing self awareness in my blog post Know Thyself Part 2, was to write three words about how you think you were perceived in a meeting and to ask 2 other people to give you feedback about the same. This facilitates feedback in terms of...

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Know Thyself – Part 3

Know Thyself – Part 3

This week I was introduced to a website called Future Me. It allows you to email yourself (or anyone else, I guess) in the future. This tool could be incredibly useful to you in tracking your self awareness.  Your challenge, should you choose to accept it,...

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Know Thyself – Part 2

Know Thyself – Part 2

One important part of developing self awareness is comparing the views you have about yourself with the views that others have about you Self awareness is socially constructed, which means it’s generated by being in relationships with others. You can’t really be aware...

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