Today I was delighted to be able to deliver a short workshop to colleagues about self awareness, my favourite subject! I was struck by 3 things…. People really are interested in self-awareness. The human conundrum to ‘know thyself’ has been around for thousands of...
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I joined a Daniel Goleman Webinar!
Today I had the privilege of joining a webinar hosted by Action for Happiness with Daniel Goleman. Such a knowledgeable and interesting person. Here are some things I took away... 1. Be the change. Don’t be the bystander that acquiesces to poor behaviour. Speak up and...
Leaders with a Moral Compass
A brilliant colleague of mine has started running lunchtime professional development session. Just 30 minutes, to watch a video and discuss its meaning to you. Today’s discussed revolved around intention, as a leader. We talked about how values drive intention which...
Social Leadership
I’ve discovered an interesting concept on LinkedIn called Quiet Leadership, which is being shaped by Julian Stodd, Sea Salt Learning. My husband thinks it hilarious if not somewhat disturbing, that I’ve connected with a stranger on LinkedIn, given him my home address...
Leading the Polarised
You are what you read. That’s what an email from Harvard Business Review told me today. And I agree. We’ve discovered that what we read online feeds what is shown to us online, due to the clever algorithms employed behind the scenes. It makes it doubly important that we research broadly, read widely and think holistically……….
I was too tired to blog, then I remembered…..
Monday (30/11/15)
Not tired, like needing more sleep,
When all you can do is weep,
Not achey, like walking too far,
When all you want is the car.
Not exhausted, like cleaning the shed,
When it’s dark and you’re wishing for bed,
Not worn out, like travelling all night,
When it’s scary and dark with no light,
Not weary, like shopping for shoes,
When nothing’s in navy just blues,
Not drained, like laughing too much
When your mascara’s running and such
Tired, like a battery at zero,
When you’ve gone from zero to hero.
Achey, like a hammer on nails,
When you have no more wind in your sails.
Exhausted, like an empty sugar bowl,
When there’s no nectar left in the soul.
Worn out, like a familiar brief case,
When it’s telling all over your face.
Weary, like the man in the moon,
When the day ends too soon.
Drained, like the last drop from the pot,
When you’ve given it all that you’ve got
World Kindness Day
It’s World Kindness Day and I’ve tried to be proactively kind today. I aim to be kind every day and it manifests in a moor passive form, generally. But today I wanted to make an effort to be kind and to pay some unsolicited kindness forward…………….
It’s a Privilege!!
I’m so delighted! I’ve been made a trustee of Coram Voice!
Coram Voice is a charity that focussed on children and young people in care, leaving care or requiring support from the state. They champion the rights of children and young people and ensure that their voices are heard
Inspired by Clever
I’ve always been inspired and motivated by interesting, intellectual thoughts, ideas and discoveries. Many years ago I took the Strengthsfinder 2.0 test and discovered that my strengths were: input, intellectual, learner and futuristic. It was spot on. I love learning new things………….
Missing the Small Talk
Working from home when it’s only you is relentless. If you’re lucky you’ll have a pet to tell to be quiet on a regular basis but equally you may spend your working day alone with your virtual colleagues
Some suggestions to break up the intensity …………..