2019 has brought lots of changes, hence my lack of blog posts since the end of 2018. In January I took redundancy, in March I moved to London and in April I took up my new job in central London Yes. It's been a rollercoaster! But now it's September, which means the...
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When I designed my questionnaire I was adamant that it would be quantitative only with no opportunity to add in unruly free text! But my supervisor suggested I should add a comments box at the end because you often get very interesting feedback and views shared. And...
9 days of Christmas
Well there are 9 days left until my questionnaire closes. Responses are slow. I'm beginning to panic. I'm really looking forward to getting hold of my data and working on it in SPSS but I may have to plough in with data collection in the new year, with a more direct...
I've been reflecting on the process to develop my self-awareness questionnaire. It was really exciting reviewing everything I'd learnt about SA through my literature review and transposing it into a questionnaire. It reminded me how interested I am in the subject and...
Kruger-Dunning, Narcissism and Hubris Syndrome
You'll have already read about the Kruger-Dunning Effect in my main self-awareness page. This article I read on the Harvard Business Review website seemed to be talking about a similar kind of concept, that ego blinds us to our reality and makes us unaware of our true...
I know it's interesting but I didn't think so many other people would too!! One of the deals I made with myself when I started this doctorate was that my topic had to keep me interested for the duration of the 6 years of the course. That was how my focus initially...
Please answer the question!
My questionnaire has flown the nest and it's now out there in the big wide world. For a whole month my questionnaire is open to the elements. But will anyone care?! I think I'm developing an obsession with number of questionnaires completed. I'm panicking and I'm...
Chapter 3
Well today I submitted Chapter 3, the research methodology, for marking. It's been 6 months in the making and I've learnt so much. Previously I had little idea about what research methodology and methods were about and had this preconceived notion that it was all very...
The History of Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is a concept that has been around for many centuries and is as relevant today as it was in Ancient Greece