Know Thyself – Part 1

Know Thyself – Part 1

I had some great feedback about my blog this week and a suggestion for further blogs - how to become more self aware, which has got me thinking.... Now you know that my model of self awareness has 3 layers, right? ◦ Internal self awareness: recognising your own...

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Five Ways to Happiness at Work

Five Ways to Happiness at Work

The Friday Pulse has a Five Ways to Happiness at Work framework. Here are some of my thoughts connecting self awareness and leader effectiveness to the framework…

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A Sense of Time

I’m a J. A planner, an organiser and an arrive early at a meetinger. COVID, working from home and virtual meetings have changed the parameters of all of that. It used to be that you needed 20 minutes to get between meeting, to walk down the corridor or up two flights...

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The Three Layers of Self-Awareness

Today I found myself talking about my research and I thought maybe I’d share a few things I’ve discovered and developed over the last 4 years with you …. My area of interest is self awareness, leader effectiveness and leadership at all levels I’ve developed a three...

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Think Colleagues

Going in to the office is a peculiar experience these days. Familiar is now strange and order is now reordered. Here are some things to think about…. Be welcoming - some people are using offices they are unfamiliar with, so show them the ropes and make sure they can...

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Intelligent Kindness

Intelligent Kindness

Today I came across this article and a term I’d never heard before: Intelligent Kindness. In one simple phrase it encapsulated to me, precisely what we mean when we talk about kindness in the world of work. This article specifically refers to kindness in healthcare...

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Mindfulness for Self-Awareness

Today I tried something different. I went for a guided mindfulness walk at the nearby Wetlands led by the lovely Liz Keats. The reason I thought I'd share this with you is that I think mindfulness is intrinsically linked to self awareness. You'll already know that my...

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I've been reflecting on the process to develop my self-awareness questionnaire. It was really exciting reviewing everything I'd learnt about SA through my literature review and transposing it into a questionnaire. It reminded me how interested I am in the subject and...

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Kruger-Dunning, Narcissism and Hubris Syndrome

You'll have already read about the Kruger-Dunning Effect in my main self-awareness page. This article I read on the Harvard Business Review website seemed to be talking about a similar kind of concept, that ego blinds us to our reality and makes us unaware of our true...

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