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TOP TAKEAWAYS: Ep 38 with Morag Barrett

TOP TAKEAWAYS: Ep 38 with Morag Barrett

Enjoyed speaking to Morag Barrett on episode 38 of The knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast.  Meeting an author after reading their book is a real buzz – and You Me We is a really excellent read. Here are my top takeaways from our conversation

A Book With A Name!

A Book With A Name!

My book has found its name!!! Following a poll of respected and trusted fellow leadership thinkers from around the globe, exactly 50% of them chose this title….drum roll please…… THE SELF-AWARENESS SUPERHIGHWAY Charting Your Leadership Journey It’s a great title and...

5 People Priorities for Start-Ups

When it comes to prioritising people in start-ups, there are several key areas that founders should consider. Here are some top priorities that Amy Zhang and I talked about in episode 35 of the Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast 1. Employee Culture and Environment:...

5 Ways to Embrace the Squiggly Career

On episode 34 of The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast, we have Steph Tuss, CEO of Life Is Now, sharing her inspiring journey of embracing a squiggly career path. For those of you navigating your own squiggly career, here is a five point guide to help you manage and...