Spending time working from home means that you have to be extra aware of being a part of the discussions that are going on in work. If you’re a bigger picture thinker, like me, context is key. If you only have snippets of detail, you can’t join the dots and nothing...
Integrated Services & Clear Responsibilities
Integrating services is essential, to make sure that clients transfers from one service to another as seamlessly as possible. To be effective, every single person working along that pathway of delivery needs absolute clarity about the role they play. When we don’t...
Call me what I am!
I watched an excellent address from a marketing executive of a great company today, but he surprised me. He referred to the good men and women of his organisation as ‘boys’ and ‘girls’. Now, for anyone who’s ever worked for me, you will know that this makes me wince...
Respect is a Two Way Street
Long gone are the days when we doffed our cap to the lord of the manor, because he held the title, and long gone are the days we were subservient to our CEOs because of their position and status. Today, we expect respect between us and our leaders to be reciprocal. We understand more than ever, how our fates are intertwined. It’s no longer a one way street. Access my conversation with radhika Nair about civility and respect here too
Being Curious
I've just completed a course on leadership and curiosity and it's made me think about curiosity in a way that I haven't before. I've always considered curiosity as being a driver for activity, i.e. you're curious about emotional intelligence so you read a book by...
Harnessing January Motivation
Christmas is an ending and the new year is a beginning. Just like every life cycle; when one thing ends another thing begins. But when you add a pandemic into the mix the wheel is thrown off its axis and nothing is quite the same. As I wrote the other day, I expected...
Leadership, Needs and Wants
As I got ready for work this morning I was thinking about whether the store my husband manages will be covering up the non-essentials and taking them off sale, following the lockdown announcement yesterday. That got me thinking about what is essential and...
2021: The Book List 1-6
What will you do differently in 2021? I’m going to read more books. In true planner style, I’ve started to write a list of the books that I want to read. I’m up to June so far! January Simon Sinek: The Infinite Game: How Great Businesses Achieve Long-Lasting Success...
Leadership, Value and the Infinite Game
It’s been another day of learning. A colleague shared a link to a podcast on our Trust’s leaders’ network WhatsApp group and being as it was Sunday, the comfy chair was vacant and the clouds were making patterns in the sky, I decided to sit down with a cup of tea and...
Leaders Go First
It’s a Saturday afternoon and I couldn’t find replays of the A-Team anywhere. So I scoured YouTube for Simon Sinek's Book Club and watched the first chapter of live questions about The Infinite Game In the hour-long session Simon said something which really struck a...