I'm interested in self-awareness, leader effectiveness and leadership at all levels. My research aim is to: ‘Criitically explore self-awareness and its relevance to leader effectiveness across all levels of the Welsh public service’ To help move my study from theory...
Five Functions Job Level Franework
One of the original contributions of my thesis is the development of an universal job level framework for Welsh public service organisations, stratified by function rather than salary or job titles. You’re welcome to use my model. Please credit it to me. It’s my pride...
Hear your work. And listen
I’ve followed the advice of the amazing Tara Brabazon and read my whole thesis out loud. It has certainly brought it to life and pointed out a few bloopers! We often don’t review papers and documents by reading them aloud, but I think it’s a practice I might start...
My thesis is complete. It is done. It is submitted! After 4 years of reading, learning, writing, revising, critiquing and wanting to throw in the towel, it’s written. It may need refinement and editing but all of the sections are now on a page and the whole thing has...
Nearly there?
I was aiming for December but it may be more like May!!! Yesterday I wrote the conclusion of the conclusion. The very last page. It did feel very strange yet incredibly positive. My supervisor said he thought I could submit in May rather than December, and who am I to...
2020: The Year of the Thesis!
The festive break is over and it's back to work we go. But it's been an excellent chance to get some serious study time in. With my husband working days, evenings and weekends, I've ignored the washing up, the hoovering and the laundry and spent days and days pouring...
Interview Analysis
Today has been quite a revelation! I've spent the last few weekends transcribing my interviews. Today I started analysing them. Even though I conducted the interviews and transcribed them, i hadn't really fully understood what each of my interviewees had been saying....
Ontology/Epistemology – the light bulb moment!
Today I’ve spent some time re-reading my research methodology chapter, moving things around and changing bits about. And I had a lightbulb moment. I discovered a new article about my research philosophy, unconnected to ontology...
It’s been a rollercoaster!
2019 has brought lots of changes, hence my lack of blog posts since the end of 2018. In January I took redundancy, in March I moved to London and in April I took up my new job in central London Yes. It's been a rollercoaster! But now it's September, which means the...
Care to comment?
When I designed my questionnaire I was adamant that it would be quantitative only with no opportunity to add in unruly free text! But my supervisor suggested I should add a comments box at the end because you often get very interesting feedback and views shared. And...