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The Three Layers of Self-Awareness

Today I found myself talking about my research and I thought maybe I’d share a few things I’ve discovered and developed over the last 4 years with you …. My area of interest is self awareness, leader effectiveness and leadership at all levels I’ve developed a three...

Think Colleagues

Going in to the office is a peculiar experience these days. Familiar is now strange and order is now reordered. Here are some things to think about…. Be welcoming - some people are using offices they are unfamiliar with, so show them the ropes and make sure they can...

Intelligent Kindness

Intelligent Kindness

Today I came across this article and a term I’d never heard before: Intelligent Kindness. In one simple phrase it encapsulated to me, precisely what we mean when we talk about kindness in the world of work. This article specifically refers to kindness in healthcare...


My thesis is complete. It is done. It is submitted! After 4 years of reading, learning, writing, revising, critiquing and wanting to throw in the towel, it’s written. It may need refinement and editing but all of the sections are now on a page and the whole thing has...

Nearly there?

I was aiming for December but it may be more like May!!! Yesterday I wrote the conclusion of the conclusion. The very last page. It did feel very strange yet incredibly positive. My supervisor said he thought I could submit in May rather than December, and who am I to...

The world is about to change…

A change is coming and the world of work and study will change to something we could not have imagined 6 months ago COVID-19 is going to change our use of technology, our access to learning and interaction with our work colleagues What we considered to be effective...

2020: The Year of the Thesis!

The festive break is over and it's back to work we go. But it's been an excellent chance to get some serious study time in. With my husband working days, evenings and weekends, I've ignored the washing up, the hoovering and the laundry and spent days and days pouring...

Interview Analysis

Today has been quite a revelation! I've spent the last few weekends transcribing my interviews. Today I started analysing them. Even though I conducted the interviews and transcribed them, i hadn't really fully understood what each of my interviewees had been saying....

Mindfulness for Self-Awareness

Today I tried something different. I went for a guided mindfulness walk at the nearby Wetlands led by the lovely Liz Keats. The reason I thought I'd share this with you is that I think mindfulness is intrinsically linked to self awareness. You'll already know that my...