It’s not the year we expected it to be. We had high hopes for the first year of the 20s but it’s brought in to sharp focus our needs, wants, tolerances and priorities. It’s highlighted inequalities in the way we treat our fellow human beings and it’s shone a spotlight...
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Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose
I recently stumbled on a talk about motivation by Dan Pink. It was quite a revelation. Science says that rewards and incentives are actually demotivators. But business continues to use rewards and incentives as motivators. Pink has discovered that what actually...
Discovery Series – Part 6
In bringing all my research findings together, I developed the Corollary Model. It corralled the questionnaire findings, interview findings and literature comparison together into one glorious triangle! I discovered that there was a relationships between...
Discovery Series – Part 5
I wanted to know if people who were identified as effective leaders had more self-awareness than people who were identified as ineffective leaders. I also wanted to know if the answer would be the same across the five job levels of the Welsh public service. I looked...
Reflections on 2020
As the year draws to a close, I’ve been reflecting on the changes we’ve been through. We’ve been through fear, loss and sadness. We’ve been agile, we’ve flexed and become virtual. We’ve had division, incredulity and unacceptance alongside kindness, compassion and...
Why Part 2 – Refining My Why
Last night I joined a Find Your Why workshop with the team from Simon Sinek Ltd. It was an Open Mic, ‘pay what you can’ session with the aim of helping you pin down your ‘statement of purpose’ I posted about ‘finding my why’ a week or two ago. At that point I’d...
Discovery Series – Part 4
One of my research questions was: do strategic level leaders have more self-awareness than leaders at any other level? The literature suggested yes. My research said no! In the questionnaire, people had to give responses for themselves and their manager. I grouped...
Discovery Series – Part 3
The second part of my research involved doing eight interviews. Similar themes kept coming up and what people told me, backed up my questionnaire findings. Five particularly strong themes came through the interviews. They’re listed below, in order or importance:...
Discovery Series – Part 2
My research questionnaire was in 4 parts - demographics, self-awareness, leader effectiveness and free text. The self awareness section. was made up of 24 statements. Welsh public service employees had to rate their agreement to each statement, from 1 - strongly...
Discovery Series – Part 1
My research focussed on self-awareness, leader effectiveness and leadership at all levels of the Welsh public service. I asked Welsh public service employees to complete a questionnaire and I carried out some interviews. My findings told me that there was a...