Join me in conversation with the brilliant Michael Baker, Sally Evans and Kate Williams talking about all those things I love to talk about, leader effectiveness and self awareness!

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Join me in conversation with the brilliant Michael Baker, Sally Evans and Kate Williams talking about all those things I love to talk about, leader effectiveness and self awareness!
I did some research on ‘like and leadership’ in 2004. Have I told you about it? No? Well, my research was entitled, ‘Likeability and Leadership: the investigation into the existence of a link’ And guess what? My research found that there was! I gave people a list of...
I know this wasn’t on my list, but a friend gave it to me and asked me to review it... Click below for my video review! Check out my video review! I’ve been reading this excellent book by Neil Jurd OBE It is a complete compendium of leadership. Everything you want to...
Modelling good behaviour has been a thought at the back of my mind for a very long time. In early years we’re heavily focused on modelling good behaviour, language and interactions with and between children. In the workplace we emulate the behaviour of senior...
With the move to digital comes a loss of ceremony. Those important occasions that were marked by some sort of ceremony have lost their pazaz since we moved to digital. Accelerated by covid of course. Submitting an academic work of four years. ClickReceiving results...
Thoughts for the day… * Take the opportunities as they arise. Follow the interesting path. Regret that which you do, not that which you don’t do! * We are little in a vast world. Spread your wings and explore. Ride the crest of the wave and see where it takes you. *...
Today I had to muster all my energy to prevent a minor tech trauma paralysing my ability to think, concentrate and function. I felt lucky to have been able to draw on my knowledge of self awareness to help me move from the paralysis to action. I’ve been reflecting on...
Soft skills is a real contradiction in terms! Soft skills are the most difficult to acquire and by calling them ‘soft skills’, we don’t convey just how difficult they are to develop. Two weeks ago I put out a poll seeking ideas for a better term than soft skills and...
We don’t all like all of the people all of the time. And this is difficult, because I really want to like everybody! I’ve come across people that no matter how hard I’ve tried, I’ve just not liked. Some people I’ve had to accept it was a battle not worth fighting....
How do we improve civility and respect in the workplace? I’m convinced that if we improve people’s self awareness we can improve their level of civility. But it’s not just about improving self awareness. We need to work on improving it when the chips are down, stress is high and emotions are frayed. It’s then that we’re in real danger of falling short of our own standards of kindness. Access my conversation with Radhika Nair on The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast