Happy Space Happy Place

Happy Space Happy Place

For the last few days, the bit coin mining rig in our spare room has been switched off. It has some technical glitch and my husband isn’t home to fix it right now. So, the house is once again quiet. I know very little about bitcoin mining, but I do know the rigs run...

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Feeding back ‘up’ the line

Feeding back ‘up’ the line

Towards the end of May I posted about the benefits of having difficult conversations. Then, I was predominantly talking about having those conversation down the line, with people you manage But how about having difficult conversations up the line? My husband is a...

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Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I

“Self-Love, Self-Respect, Self-Worth… There is a Reason They all start with "Self". You Cannot find them in Anyone Else. Happy Sunday 💯🙏🏽🙌🏽” Tommy Dural (LinkedIn 13/6/21) I stumbled on this post yesterday and it’s stuck in my...

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Tomorrow will be Better!

Tomorrow will be Better!

Some days you will feel like you’ve fallen out with everybody, you can’t do right for doing wrong and everything you do is under par. So what do you do? Take a breath. These days are emotional rollercoasters and you want to be able to control your emotions, not them...

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Looking Inside. Looking Outside.

Looking Inside. Looking Outside.

On the journey home, my attention was drawn to 2 people. One was desperately looking for something in his bag. When we got to a spot with mobile signal, he asked the guy next to him to ring his phone. Lo and behold, there was his phone, ringing in his bag. He said his...

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What you give is what you get!

What you give is what you get!

A few weeks ago I joined one of the NHS England and NHS Improvement civility and respect workshops. They are very good events with high calibre speakers and interesting and relevant topics. One presenter shared this slide, which I thought was simple yet so, so...

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3 Layers of Awareness

3 Layers of Awareness

Isn’t it strange, how once you bump into an idea, that idea keeps following you around? I guess it’s a bit like when you’ve bought a yellow car and you start seeing them everywhere! I was re-reading my thesis and I was reminded that Brewer and Gardner (1996) say that...

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What’s your happiness score?

What’s your happiness score?

Yesterday I watched the TED talk by Dominic Price about happiness and how to score it. His presentation is empassioned and heartfelt. It really struck a chord. It’s only 15 minutes. Definitely worth a watch. Dominic suggests that happiness can be measured across 4...

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Mindful Stories

Thoughts for the day… * Take the opportunities as they arise. Follow the interesting path. Regret that which you do, not that which you don’t do! * We are little in a vast world. Spread your wings and explore. Ride the crest of the wave and see where it takes you. *...

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Paralysis to Action

Paralysis to Action

Today I had to muster all my energy to prevent a minor tech trauma paralysing my ability to think, concentrate and function. I felt lucky to have been able to draw on my knowledge of self awareness to help me move from the paralysis to action. I’ve been reflecting on...

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