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What you give is what you get!

What you give is what you get!

A few weeks ago I joined one of the NHS England and NHS Improvement civility and respect workshops. They are very good events with high calibre speakers and interesting and relevant topics. One presenter shared this slide, which I thought was simple yet so, so...

3 Layers of Awareness

3 Layers of Awareness

Isn’t it strange, how once you bump into an idea, that idea keeps following you around? I guess it’s a bit like when you’ve bought a yellow car and you start seeing them everywhere! I was re-reading my thesis and I was reminded that Brewer and Gardner (1996) say that...

Doing Great Thing Together

Doing Great Thing Together

Isn’t it interesting how we all make sense of the world and generate solutions? You’ll already know that I like to write things down. I like to work from a skeleton and build up the flesh, working from the bigger picture to the detail But not everyone works likes...

Reasons to have difficult conversations

Reasons to have difficult conversations

As a manager of people, I’ve grown to enjoy having #difficultconversations. The reason? Initially, I hated them and I had to find the good in them if I wanted to carry on being a good manager and role model to others. Little by little, I saw the benefit of them….....

What will we take into the Next New Normal?

What will we take into the Next New Normal?

I’ve been thinking about ‘the Next New Normal’, now that the country is opening back up and we’re talking about face to face meetings and desks and who will go where…. When we talked about the New Normal before, we were in the midst of a lockdown and unable to do so...

Write your own job description!

Write your own job description!

Have you ever written your own job description? I don’t mean amended the JD for the job you’re doing, I mean written the JD of your ultimate job! A few months ago I was lucky enough to be coached by Mike Roarty. Mike asked me to identify my strengths and my values. It...

What’s your happiness score?

What’s your happiness score?

Yesterday I watched the TED talk by Dominic Price about happiness and how to score it. His presentation is empassioned and heartfelt. It really struck a chord. It’s only 15 minutes. Definitely worth a watch. Dominic suggests that happiness can be measured across 4...

Languishing… meh

Languishing… meh

Languishing! So, it has a name! Over lunch today I listened to a short Adam Grant podcast. He read an article he’d recently written on ‘languishing’. He described it as that feeling between depression and flourishing. He explained than at the beginning of the pandemic...

Simple v Easy, Right v Right Now!

“Just because it’s simple doesn’t make it easy!” “I’d rather it be right than be right now!” Two phrases that came to mind today… Simple and easy: we make decisions and often don’t include people who have to implement our decisions in our discussions. Through my...